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20 Years of Juniper Books: A Look Back At Designing Our Shades of Magi

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20 Years of Juniper Books: A Look Back At Designing Our Shades of Magic Book Set

20 Years of Juniper Books: A Look Back At Designing Our Shades of Magic Book Set

As you may know, 2021 marks 20 years of business for Juniper Books! To celebrate, each month we'll revisit some of the most impactful moments in our company's history.  

Two years ago, we had the distinct pleasure and honor of working with prolific author, V. E. Schwab, on a Juniper Books design for her series Shades of Magic. This was a special moment for Juniper Books, as it was our first time working directly with an author on the design for their book set! 

V. E. Schwab is not only a celebrated author, she has a background in book design. She was a great help in creating a book set that all of her fans would love, and was a part of the process from the beginning. Together, we worked on several concepts before landing on the design that is now available on our website that we all felt perfectly captured the rich world V. had created in her series.

Revisit Thatcher's conversation with V. about the book set, her writing process, and what fans can expect next!


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