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Selecting The Right Wheel of Time Jackets For Your Book - Size Matters

Selecting The Right Wheel of Time Jackets For Your Book - Size Matters

There’s no denying that the Juniper Books Wheel of Time set is an absolute showstopper on any bookshelf. The book set, clocking in at 15 volumes and 29 inches in width, is the largest series we offer. 

For those of you who have been collecting Robert Jordan’s novels over time and are ready to deck out your books in these legendary jackets, it’s important to make sure you’re selecting the correct version of the jackets for the books you already own. Considering how much time and resources you’ve invested in acquiring and reading the books, taking a couple minutes to make sure you’re getting the right jackets is worth it.

Due to various publisher reprints over the years, the Wheel of Time books have been made in a few different sizes, which is why we currently offer Jackets Only to fit three versions of the hardcover books.

Before purchasing our Jackets Only, you’ll want to check your books to make sure that they are the fifteen hardcovers published by Tor Publishing Group with the ISBNs listed on the product page’s ‘Includes’ tab. Every book should measure 9.5” tall. 

We also show a picture of the correct books unjacketed on the product page - your books should all have blue bindings. 

Once you’ve checked that your books are 9.5” tall and match the ISBNs we list, you’ll then want to reference our sizing guides, located in the image gallery on the product page. All three version covers are sized the same for books 1-12, but the sizes of books 13-15 (The Gathering Storm, Towers of Midnight, and Memory of Light - all completed by Brandon Sanderson by the way) are different in each version. Whichever version most closely matches your books is the one to pick! 

Once you order these stunning jackets, they will arrive at your home folded lightly to allow for easy assembly, but also have a tolerance for adjustments to be made if needed. For instructions on how to jacket your books for the best fit, as well as how to make adjustments if needed, please reference this video

We know many of you love to thrift these books from second hand stores, so we want to note that we size and fit our covers to the current printings of the books brand-new, with the dimensions listed in the sizing charts. Sometimes, older books may have spines of slightly different sizes due to the specific edition or due to widening from many rereads, and some jacket adjustments may be needed in these cases, too. 

One last thing! Once you outfit your books in their new jackets, you might feel very compelled to take some photos and share your love of the series on social. Make sure to tag us in all your lovely bookshelf #shelfies on Instagram, we love reposting your photos and chatting with our customers. Let's stay connected!

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