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The Book Adaptations We Can't Wait to Watch

The Book Adaptations We Can't Wait to Watch

With so many amazing books out there, it’s no wonder that they are so often turned into films and television shows. And with streaming right at our fingertips, it’s easy to forget where these incredible stories came from. To celebrate some recent and upcoming adaptations, here are our top picks on books to pick up and read - before watching them on the big screen (or laptop!).


There have been a number of adaptations for this 1960’s literary favorite, but the new 2021 adaptation coming in October is sure to be a fantastic take on this science fiction series. With a star-studded cast, like Timothee Chalamet as Paul Atreides, this film is sure to get people talking. We suggest reading the book before seeing the movie, so your imagination can run wild with Frank Herbert’s interstellar world and complex characters. 
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101 Dalmatians by Dodie Smith
It seems fair to say we all remember the beloved Disney animation of 101 Dalmatians. With a cast made up of Emma Stone (what a choice for Cruella!), Emma Thompson, and Mark Strong, this movie is sure to be a blockbuster hit. But before sitting down on May 28th with a bowl of popcorn, pick up the original book by Dodie Smith to see where the magic started!


Deep Water by Patricia Highsmith
For fans of Agatha Christie, Deep Water is a perfect choice for your next read! This psychological thriller revolves around the loveless marriage of Vic and Melinda Van Allen as they attempt to keep their family together through affairs and murders. The movie, directed by Adriane Lyne (his first movie after 20 years!), is sure to be a hit, but check out where it came from first with the spellbinding words of Patricia Highsmith.


Cherry by Nico Walker
Relationship drama, political intrigue, drug abuse, and crime - a perfect combination for a captivating new movie taken from the pages of an equally captivating read! Directed by the Marvel-approved Russo brothers, the film features the talents of Tom Holland, Jack Reynor, and Ciara Bravo and is sure to live up to the hype that the novel elicited on its own release.


Author Kristen Hannah spent 28 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list with her 2008 novel Firefly Lane, so it’s no wonder Netflix picked up rights to make it into a series. Taking on themes of personal relationships, social dynamics, and loss, the book and the new series are a breath of fresh air for those interested in domestic fiction!
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