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We Love From Blood and Ash—Especially its Leading Lady

We Love From Blood and Ash—Especially its Leading Lady

Maidens locked away in a tower not to be seen or spoken to need to be rescued by a handsome prince, right? Not our Poppy. She can take care of herself. 
In Jennifer L. Armentrout’s From Blood and Ash fantasy romance series, our leading lady is quick-witted, brave, a skilled fighter, and she’s empowered to seek her own pleasure—all traits usually left out of romance heroines. That's just one of the ways JLA takes our expectations of fantasy literature and turns them on their head. Poppy isn't a 'pick-me' girl either—she's just cool.
Our From Blood and Ash Maiden set was designed by fans for fans with the complexity of Poppy’s character in mind. Her veil doesn’t just hide her face; there’s a tough chick under there too. So, we wanted to hint at that duality in our design with the modest maiden on the spines and her signature bone-handled dagger on each cover. 
From tender love scenes to gruesome battles, paranormal forces and political secrets, FBAA is packed with excitement in every aspect. And a little birdie said something about sexy vampires, so no wonder the online artist community and  our very own office are full of fans!
If you want to check out some other fantasy romance series, click here.
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