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Literary Gift Guide: Julia Rothman

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Literary Gift Guide: Julia Rothman

Literary Gift Guide: Julia Rothman

We’re always excited to find out what people are reading, have read and want to read. Now that the holidays are fast approaching we thought we’d ask some author friends to share book gift ideas and a recipe they love.

Julia Rothman us a prolific illustrator and author of eleven books based in Brooklyn (The Nature Anatomy Notebook just came out). She has a lovely wheaten terrier named Rudy who keeps her company while she draws.

1. Favorite book to give as a gift
JR: In the Company of Women

2. Favorite book you have ever been gifted
JR: The Night Life of Trees

3. Favorite recipe

JR: My mom’s noodle pudding (see above–from Food Anatomy)

4. Holiday gift you plan to give
JR: Leah Goren print for charity

5. Holiday gift you plan to receive?
JR: I don’t want anything this year. (But I guess if someone really wanted to give me cute socks I wouldn’t refuse ; )

We are excited to have joined forces with Quarterlane and to bring their wonderful work to the Juniper Journal. This post was created by their team and we hope you enjoy it and their other content!

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