We’re always excited to find out what people are reading, have read and want to read. Now that the holidays are fast approaching we thought we’d ask some author friends to share book gift ideas and a recipe they love.

LG: Can I toot my own horn and say BESTIES?! It is the perfect gift book to give to a close girlfriend. (Toot away dear Leah. Toot toot).
2. Favorite book you have ever been gifted?
LG: I love Cheap Chic, gifted to me by my friend Rachael Cole. It’s all about finding your personal style, but since it was originally published in 1975 the tone and perspective is amazing.
3. What is your favorite recipe?
LG: (see above gorgeously illustrated and lettered Orange Sherbet Float recipe from Leah’s book)
4. Holiday gift you plan to give?
LG: It’s a small gift, but I got my mom this Olimpia Zagnoli pin. My mom loves her work, bright colors, and the message of love and acceptance, so I know it’ll be perfect for her.
5. Holiday gift you plan to receive?
LG: I’m going to gift myself more of my favorite Khiel’s Whipped Body Butter. It’s so thick and smells so good!
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