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Thatcher's Reading List 01

Thatcher's Reading List 01

I hope you and your family are staying healthy and safe.

I’ve heard from many people recently that books at home are being appreciated now more than ever. Screen time is up, the news is overwhelming, it’s refreshing to spend some time with a good old fashioned printed book and a captivating story.

Right now I’m reading a few books including The Splendid and the Vile: A Saga of Churchill, Family, and Defiance During the Blitz. I think it’s helpful to read about leadership and resilience during difficult times in order to provide perspective. This book is in our Biography & Memoir Curated Set of 3 – we got creative and launched this new category on our website two weeks ago – it’s full of book sets that are available to ship immediately. 

I’m also re-reading The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, which is our next Books Everyone Should Own selection. I love Mark Twain and have probably read Huck Finn a dozen times. It’s a great book to make you laugh and take your mind off the current stress.

I also have my eye on some of the series in the Publisher Boxed Sets we added to last week so that we have more book sets that can ship immediately. These collections include everything from Stephen King to The Feynman Lectures on Physics to The Magic Treehouse books for kids. There is something to keep every mind busy for the next few weeks. 

I’ll be back in touch with more ideas for books to read and add to your shelves in the coming days. Right now, I’m going to head back to shipping and get more books on their way out to customers like you. While the rest of the Juniper Books team is working from home, I’m hanging out with thousands of books and have 6,000 square feet of social distancing space all to myself!

With much gratitude for your love of books and support of Juniper Books over the years,

Thatcher Wine
Founder, Juniper Books

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