The fantasy series His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman follows two children, Lyra and Will, as they travel through parallel universes. The novels, which have gained a strong following of both teens and adults, have supernatural components, including armored polar bears and an element known as “dust,” but are rooted in concepts of physics, philosophy, and theology. The first book in the series, The Golden Compass, won the Carnegie Medal for Children’s Fiction in 1995. We designed custom covers with a golden compass, or “alethiometer,” set against the cosmos. The three hardcover books in the set are published by Knopf.
This is a beautiful gift for readers who are fans of the fantastical and are big thinkers. It's a striking addition to any bookshelf and a special way to experience the series.
Already own the books? Check out our Jackets Only Set!
The fantasy series His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman follows two children, Lyra and Will, as they travel through parallel universes. The novels, which have gained a strong following of both teens and adults, have supernatural components, including armored polar bears and an element known as “dust,” but are rooted in concepts of physics, philosophy, and theology. The first book in the series, The Golden Compass, won the Carnegie Medal for Children’s Fiction in 1995. We designed custom covers with a golden compass, or “alethiometer,” set against the cosmos. The three hardcover books in the set are published by Knopf.
This is a beautiful gift for readers who are fans of the fantastical and are big thinkers. It's a striking addition to any bookshelf and a special way to experience the series.
Already own the books? Check out our Jackets Only Set!
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Easily clean smudges and marks with the swipe of a damp microfiber cloth.
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We may be biased but we think books make the best gifts!
Fun to Style!
Each cover is carefully crafted to be an art piece for your bookshelf.
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Looking for a shelf refresh? Collect multiple variations of your favorite series!
Comparable to art prints
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Patent #S9349308B2 Dynamic application of a design across multiple product packages.
Designed & produced in Colorado
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