Embark on a thrilling adventure with Rick Riordan's action-packed series, featuring a team of unlikely Greek and Roman demi-gods who band together to save the world from Gaea, also known as Mother Earth.
This riveting series is the follow-up to Riordan's immensely popular Percy Jackson series and is a must-read for fans of the genre.
We've created custom jackets in a complementary color to our Percy Jackson book set, featuring symbols that represent each book. These stunning designs are sure to captivate young readers and keep them engaged throughout the entire series.
This Jackets Only set is a great gift for fans who already own the books.
Looking for the complete set of books & jackets? Find it here!
Juniper Books jackets are comparable to art prints. Each set is printed on high-quality paper and hand-folded in our studio for easy assembly after they are received. We ship you the jackets, and then you put them on your books!
Embark on a thrilling adventure with Rick Riordan's action-packed series, featuring a team of unlikely Greek and Roman demi-gods who band together to save the world from Gaea, also known as Mother Earth.
This riveting series is the follow-up to Riordan's immensely popular Percy Jackson series and is a must-read for fans of the genre.
We've created custom jackets in a complementary color to our Percy Jackson book set, featuring symbols that represent each book. These stunning designs are sure to captivate young readers and keep them engaged throughout the entire series.
This Jackets Only set is a great gift for fans who already own the books.
Looking for the complete set of books & jackets? Find it here!
Juniper Books jackets are comparable to art prints. Each set is printed on high-quality paper and hand-folded in our studio for easy assembly after they are received. We ship you the jackets, and then you put them on your books!
App section
EASy to Clean!
Easily clean smudges and marks with the swipe of a damp microfiber cloth.
Ships global
We ship all around the world, quickly and securely.
We may be biased but we think books make the best gifts!
Fun to Style!
Each cover is carefully crafted to be an art piece for your bookshelf.
Tear resistant!
The laminated exterior creates a solid barrier against scratches, water, and dust.
Looking for a shelf refresh? Collect multiple variations of your favorite series!
Comparable to art prints
Printed on high quality paper with a soft-matte laminate.
Patent #S9349308B2 Dynamic application of a design across multiple product packages.
Designed & produced in Colorado
We make all of our jackets in small batches with the best materials available.