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Q&A with Marissa Meyer
Read Juniper Books' interview with the best-selling author, Marissa Meyers here.
Changing the World Through Books
We have brought together a list of four book sets that we believe can help bring about change and impact the world in a positive way. In addition to the...
Celebrating Louisa May Alcott
Happy Birthday, Louisa May Alcott. Thank you for telling your stories to the world.
Gift Guide: Best Bang for Your Buck
best-selling sets that'll blow them away
Gift Guide: Holiday Shopping on a Budget
best-selling sets that won't break the bank
Buy Early Save More: Holiday Gift Guide for Our Biggest Sale of the Year!
Christmas is still a ways away, but some of the best holiday shopping comes before Black Friday! At Juniper Books, we are running a Buy Early Save More sale this...
Celebrate Spooky Season with Chilling Poetry
...for all the creature feature fans and monster lovers. Monster Verse: Poems Human and Unhuman crosses millennia of mythos, from Medusa to Mothman. You’ll be left feeling a little more scared of that dark...
10 Terrifying Contemporary Horror Novels to Read Before Halloween
The best-seller of contemporary horror, this novel has some of the same darkness and gore you’ll find in The Troop alongside masterful fear-building that earned Graham Jones a rightful place among The...
Gothic Horror as the Birth of a Genre
Contrary to popular belief, Dracula wasn’t the first vampire story, but as far as pop culture vamps go, it may as well be. The epistolary style was the most popular...
The Greatest Dark Fantasy Series of All Time
“If you think this has a happy ending, you haven't been paying attention,” -Ramsay Bolton, Game of Thrones Just when we thought there couldn’t be a more despicable character than...
The Greatest High Fantasy Series of All Time
“Haven’t you ever wondered what else is out there? How far the river flows or where the sparrows learn the new songs they sing in the spring? I can’t help...
Counterculture Classics: The Beat Generation
There is not a beat poetry, or a beat novel, or a beat painting. Beat is a poetic conception, an attitude toward the world. - Allen Ginsberg At Juniper...